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11-я Уральская Конференции «Безопасность информационных технологий – 2025. Урал»
Шестая международная промышленная выставка и бизнес-форум «EXPO EURASIA VIETNAM 2025»
Конгресс цифровизации нефтегазовой отрасли NEFT 4.0

ID Expert - Professional Community in Auto-ID and Mobility


ID EXPERT.RU is the independent Russian Internet-portal and Internet-journal about Auto-ID, data capturing and mobility technologies.

ID EXPERT.RU is the latest Auto-ID, data capturing and mobilities news, trends and projects.

ID EXPERT.RU is the articles and reviews about Auto-ID, data capturing and mobility technologies by independent authors and experts.

ID EXPERT.RU is the Auto-ID, data capturung and mobility companies news and companies solutions and case-studies description.

ID EXPERT.RU is the information about exhibitions and conferences in IT, Auto-ID, data capturing and mobility technologies.


  • IT managers of the end-user companies;
  • IT specialists of the system integration companies;
  • Auto-ID, data capturing and mobility hardware and software vendors;
  • Independent experts consultants.


Press-releases publishing

Companies deal with Auto-ID, data capturing and mobility technologies can publish free their press-releases in "Companies News" section. To do this it is necessary to registrate company in the Companies catalogue and to receive the log-in to the companies account.

Cases and Solutions publishing

Companies deal with Auto-ID, data capturing and mobility technologies can publish their cases and solutions in the relevant sections "Cases" and "Solutions". To learn how to place your informations to these sections, please, contact us by e-mail ( or by phone (+7 495 228 7881).

Auto-ID Products Catalogue

Hardware and Software vendors can place the cards of their products and links "Where to buy" to the "Products" section. To learn how to place your informations to this section, please, contact us by e-mail ( or by phone (+7 495 228 7881).

Advertizing at ID EXPERT.RU

ID EXPERT.RU provides the following advertizing services:

  • Banners placement
  • E-Mailing
  • Advertizing article publishing

To learn more information about advertizing services at ID EXPERT.RU, please, contact us by e-mail ( or by phone (+7 495 228 7881).


One of the ID EXPERT.RU activities is the assistant in promoting Auto-ID, data capturing and mobility companies products and services to the Russian market. ID EXPERT.RU is professional marketing communication team in IT and Auto-ID markets. Our specialists can develop and complete the set of marketing activities to help you to find new partners and customers in Russia and countries of the Custom Union. Our services:

  • Arrangements of the company participates in the industry exhibitions and conferences, including the collective exposition;
  • Press-events arrangements;
  • Public Relations;
  • Promotion materials production;
  • Copyrighting;
  • Professional translations from English to Russian.

To learn more information about marketing services of ID EXPERT.RU, please, contact us by e-mail ( or by phone (+7 495 228 7881).